Get involved

Code consultation now closed
Our eight-week consultation on our new draft code has now closed.

Levy review response
Read an outline of the original changes we proposed in our levy review and the reasons for them, and a summary of the response to the review.

Code review 2022-25
Throughout 2022-25 the Fundraising Regulator is carrying out a two-year process of reviewing and updating the Code of Fundraising Practice. Click below to find out more about the review process and our timeline.

Code consultation now closed
Our 12-week consultation on our proposals to update the code has now closed.
Our consultations
We know that the decisions we make affect people and fundraising organisations across the UK, so it’s important that our decisions are based on evidence and take account of the views of those who have an interest in the outcome. Our consultation policy and process explains our approach.
Our responses to consultations
We regularly respond to consultations hosted by other regulators and key organisations working across the charitable fundraising sector.