Fundraising Preference Service
The Fundraising Preference Service is a free service, run by the Fundraising Regulator, that can help you or someone you know to end contact with charities that you no longer want to hear from.
The FPS is the UK's official service that enables you to manage direct marketing communications from registered charities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland that are sent by addressed mail, emails, text messages or phone calls.
The FPS is the UK's official service that enables you to manage direct marketing communications from registered charities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland that are sent by addressed mail, emails, text messages or phone calls.

Introducing the FPS
We know that people can be very generous when giving to charity, but that does not mean they want to hear from every charity.
You can use the FPS for yourself or on behalf of a friend, relative, someone you care for or someone who has died. You can choose to opt out of direct marketing from up to 10 charities at once using the FPS website, or you can call our phone helpline for support.