Charity bag collections
Charity bag collections are usually carried out by companies, known as third-party fundraisers, or more specifically working as commercial participators.
I want to go straight to the code and read what it says about clothing bag collections
Read the Code
I want to go straight to the code and read what it says about clothing bag collectionsFor fundraisers
Charity bags must not be delivered to properties with a sign indicating that the householder doesn't want to receive it. You can find more information in standard 8.4.9 of the code.
If you are working with a third party or commercial participator, you need to make sure that the appropriate agreements are in place. Bags must always state the proportion of the proceeds that your charity will receive from the collection. There is also other information that charity bags must show. You can find information on this in standard 8.2.6 and section 9.2 of the code.
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) has also published guidance on collection bags, aimed at ensuring charity bags and collection materials provide adequate information for the public.
You should also read our detailed guidance on charity bags for fundraisers here.
For the public
Charity bags offer you a chance to clear out unwanted items in a responsible way while supporting charities. This may be more convenient for you than taking items to a charity shop.
Although charities will sometimes independently distribute and collect charity bags themselves, this work is more often carried out by a company on behalf of the charity. This can be a more cost-effective and resource-friendly way of distributing the bags than the charity doing it themselves.
On the charity bag, you can expect to find information about the proportion of the proceeds that will go to the charity, and the proportion that will go to the delivery company.
If you do not want to receive clothing bags, you can put a sign or sticker on your front door saying ‘no charity bags’ or ‘no clothing bags’.
You can find out more information about charity bags, and what to do if you receive unwanted bags, in our guidance here.