Business and strategic plans published

The 2018-19 business plan and three year strategic plan for 2018-2021 have been published today. They set out the long term outcomes and shorter term objectives of the Fundraising Regulator. Both were agreed by the board after the annual review meeting on the 18th July.

The strategic plan sets out the role, values, mission and vision of the Regulator. It highlights the five outcomes to be achieved over the next three years, including ethical fundraising and increased public confidence in charities.

The business plan sets out how the Regulator intends to work towards these longer term outcomes over the next year with specific short term objectives. It also highlights the governance structure and resources available for 2018-19.

Gerald Oppenheim, chief executive said: “Setting out what our objectives are and what resources we have to achieve them allows us to be open and honest. The staff here at the Regulator and our board members have helped to shape these aims, drawing on our experience from the last two years.”