FPS in numbers 2017-18

Total number of requests made through FPS

For the first time, there is a whole year of data available that shows how the Fundraising Preference Service is doing. We can see how people are using the service, where they’re from and how many charities the service has affected. The numbers show us that, from November 2017 to October 2018:

  • 11,890 requests have been made by 3,847 people.
  • 988 charities have received at least one FPS request to stop contacting people.
  • 23% of FPS requests were made on behalf of other people.
  • 10 people have used the Fundraising Preference Service to end contact with over 50 charities.
  • On average, a person ends contact with three charities through the FPS.

People using the FPS can choose to stop phone calls, text messages, emails and direct mail. Most people decided to stop all of these channels. 

Number of people that chose to stop all channels of communication

People can tell us which postcode they live in when they use the service. From this we can see where the most FPS requests were made. 

Which counties made the most FPS requests

If you work for a charity, you should know how to take action if you receive an FPS request to stop contact. 

If you would like to use the service, you can do so using the website.