

Dealing with complaints more effectively

Using findings from the Complaints Report 2017-18, Gerald Oppenheim explains what key lessons charities can learn to handle complaints effectively.
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Old stamps, new tricks: how to avoid stamp fraud

John Kitchen from Royal Mail talks about how selling old stamps to raise money for a good cause can lead to fraud, and how to avoid it.
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Behind the scenes with the levy team

Caroline Trabasas, former Levy and Registration Manager at the Fundraising Regulator, shares a closer look at how the levy team decided on what changes should be made to the fundraising levy.
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Reviewing the Code: what happens next

Former Head of Policy, Priya Warner talks about what the next steps are for the new Code, following a consultation last year.
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Respect your donors’ data wishes

Gerald Oppenheim, Chief Executive explains why fundraisers should respect the data protection rights of the public, for Data Protection Day 2019.
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Tell your story to encourage support on Giving Tuesday

On Giving Tuesday, Suzanne McCarthy, Board Member of the Fundraising Regulator, explains why going back to basics and telling a story can help charities fundraise.
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Good fundraising relies on the innovation and diversity of trustees

Sacha Deshmukh, Board Member of the Fundraising Regulator, talks about what he's learned from his time on charity trustee boards, and why diversity and innovation are vital for ethical, sustainable fu...
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People, process and technology: how GoFundMe keeps users safe

A blog by Meghan Luther at GoFundMe for Charity Fraud Awareness week 2018, explaining how the fundraising platform protects donors and beneficiaries against the risk of fraud.
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Commercial participators: how to find the right one for you

What is a commercial participator and how can your charity choose the right one? Jane Montague explains the value commercial participators offer and how to avoid the sharks.
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Back to basics on fundraising standards

The latest consultation aims to make the Code of Fundraising Practice accessible to everyone. Former Policy Manager Stephen Service explains why we need your feedback.
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Effective regulation, effective fundraising, effective charities

A response from Chief Executive Gerald Oppenheim to David Ainsworth of Civil Society.
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From The Blob to Lex Luther

Daisy Houghton, Head of Communications and Corporate Services, explains the process behind the launch of the Fundraising Regulator's new website.
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Why focusing more on the public is good for fundraising

Former Policy Manager Stephen Service explains why focusing on the needs of the public is good for fundraising.
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In a digital world, charities need to take cyber security seriously

The National Cyber Security Centre look at the charity findings from the Cyber Security Breaches Survey 2018 in this blog for Fundraising Regulator.
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Being a trustee has never been so challenging or rewarding

Lord Michael Grade, former Chair of the Fundraising Regulator, talks about his time as a trustee and why trusteeship has never been so important.
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Five ways to check if an email from us is genuine

Following a series of scam emails targeting charities, Stephen Service, former Policy Manager at the Fundraising Regulator, highlights five ways to check if an email from the Fundraising Regulator is ...
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Finance and fundraising: we need better partnerships

Andrew O'Brien, former Head of Policy and Engagement for the Charity Finance Group, writes about why finance teams and fundraisers need to communicate better in order to ensure enough income is genera...
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