Code of Fundraising Practice response paper: closed November 2018

About the Fundraising Regulator

We are the independent regulator of all fundraising carried out by or on behalf of charitable, philanthropic and benevolent organisations in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. We also regulate fundraising in Scotland carried out by charities registered in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. We do this by:

  • setting and promoting the standards for fundraising (in the Code of Fundraising Practice) through consultation;
  • investigating complaints from the public about fundraising where these cannot be resolved by charities themselves;
  • investigating fundraising that has caused significant public concern;
  • enabling people to manage their contact with charities using our Fundraising Preference Service; and
  • publishing a public directory of all organisations that have registered with us to demonstrate their commitment to best practice fundraising.

About the consultation

We launched a nine week consultation on 10 September 2018 that asked for views on the style, presentation, clarity and accessibility of the code. The decision to consult on these aspects of the code came after feedback from the first consultation we opened in February 2017.

We also took into consideration feedback from roundtable sessions with smaller charities, conversations with other regulators and sector bodies, and queries and comments from members of the public.

The consultation asked for views on a new draft of the code, including:

  • a new table of contents and a simpler ordering of the code’s content;
  • a ‘Plain English’ review of language used in the code;
  • a new code introduction;
  • a glossary of key terms used;
  • a table of those standards proposed for deletion or amendment; and
  • incorporation of the face-to-face fundraising rulebooks

Who responded

We received 114 responses from charities, sector representative bodies, legal organisations, third party fundraising organisations and individuals.

Questions and our responses

Download the full consultation response paper.