We are currently reviewing the Code of Fundraising Practice and will not be updating the current code standards during this period, unless essential.
Some standards may be affected by changes to UK law. You are responsible for making sure that you get the advice you need to meet the requirements you have to meet by law. If there is a difference between the code and the relevant legislation or regulations, you must follow the law rather than the code. See the section using the code for more information.
Changes to the law
Charities Act 2022
In England and Wales, the Charities Act 2022 has made changes to the rules on failed appeals and refunding donations. These changes have implications for several sections of the code, including section 2.7, as well as elements of section 2.3.
Prize draws in Northern Ireland
In Northern Ireland, changes to The Betting, Gaming, Lotteries and Amusements (Northern Ireland) Order 1985 mean that prize draws in Northern Ireland are now permitted to require entrants to purchase a product or service to participate so long as the price of the product or service has not been inflated to take account of the prize draw. This means that standard 12.6.3 will need to be updated.
Contact us
The standards will be updated as part of the code review 2022-24 to reflect changes in legislation.
If you have any questions about the code review, or about the impact of any recent legislation on the code, please contact the policy team for advice using our online form, calling 0300 999 3407 or by email at code@fundraisingregulator.org.uk.