
Key questions you should ask when donating to an online fundraising appeal

Although most appeals are genuine, you should take care when donating through a platform so that you can be sure that your donations go to a legitimate cause, and that they are used for the purpose yo...
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Setting up an online fundraising appeal: advice for the public

This guidance is designed to highlight the key things you need to know about setting up an online fundraising appeal.
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What to do if you raise more donations than you need, don’t raise enough, or cannot achieve your purpose

Former Head of Policy at the Fundraising Regulator, reflects on the changes introduced by the Charities Act 2022 in England and Wales and the importance of including secondary purposes when setting up...
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Safe and responsible fundraising for the future: lessons from the coronavirus pandemic

Charlotte Urwin, Head of Policy at the Fundraising Regulator, reflects on the lessons learned from the coronavirus pandemic, and how charities can make sure their fundraising is safe and responsible f...
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Fundraising Regulator publishes latest Annual Complaints Report for 2021/22

We've published our latest Annual Complaints Report which covers the period 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022. The report analyses complaints received by the Fundraising Regulator and complaints reported ...
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Reflections and learning from our self-reporting pathway

Catherine Orr, Head of Casework at the Fundraising Regulator, reflects on our self-reporting pathway and the development of our proactive regulatory model.
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Complaints process

We consider complaints about charitable fundraising where these cannot be resolved by the organisations themselves. Our casework process outlines our approach.
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Launching the code review 2022-24 public call for information

Paul Winyard, Policy Manager at the Fundraising Regulator, sets the scene for the review of the Code of Fundraising Practice taking place between 2022-24 and explains more about the purpose of the pub...
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Code review 2022-24 public call for information: closed November 2022

This call for information seeks views on how the Code of Fundraising Practice can be improved so that it provides an effective regulatory framework, now and in the future. 
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Statement from the Fundraising Regulator and the Chartered Institute of Fundraising regarding the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

In response to the sad news of the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, the Fundraising Regulator and the Chartered Institute of Fundraising have released the following statement.
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Investigation summary

LGB Alliance: September 2022

Read the investigation summary
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Investigation summary

International Liberty Association: September 2022

Read the investigation summary.
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Regulators urge safe giving to support Pakistan flood relief

The Charity Commission for England and Wales and the Fundraising Regulator have urged the public to ‘give safely’ to registered charities supporting those affected by the floods in Pakistan.
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Fundraising Regulator unveils its new five-year Strategic Plan for 2022-27

The Fundraising Regulator has published its new Strategic Plan covering the period 2022 – 2027.
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Streamlining our registration process

Former Registration Service Manager Alex Edmondson explains how we’ve streamlined the process of applying to register and information about the Fundraising Levy 2022/23. 
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Consultation response

Charity Commission for England and Wales consultation on the Annual Return: response from the Fundraising Regulator

A response from the Fundraising Regulator to a consultation hosted by the Charity Commission for England and Wales on the Annual Return.
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Is your charity compliant with the Fundraising Preference Service?

Subodh Patel, Manager of the Fundraising Preference Service, explains how your charity can make sure it is compliant with the Code of Fundraising Practice and data protection law by accessing its FPS ...
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Investigation summary

Gables Farm Dogs and Cats Home: June 2022

Read the investigation summary.
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Cryptocurrencies, NFTs and the future of fundraising

Charlotte Urwin, Head of Policy at the Fundraising Regulator, explores cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and how the code provides a useful framework for considering whether accepting th...
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Fundraising Regulator strengthens Fundraising Preference Service following independent review

The Fundraising Regulator has unveiled changes to the Fundraising Preference Service (FPS) - the tool that allows people to stop direct marketing communications from charities - which strengthen the s...
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Implementing the FPS evaluation recommendations

An overview of how the Fundraising Regulator has implemented the recommendations from the independent review of the Fundraising Preference Service.
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Gathering intelligence and providing support through self-reporting fundraising incidents

Catherine Orr, Head of Casework at the Fundraising Regulator, explains how we developed a new pathway for self-reporting fundraising incidents to protect the public; provide advice and support to repo...
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Consultation response

Department for Communities consultation on a code of practice for gambling operators: response from the Fundraising Regulator

The Fundraising Regulator’s response to a consultation hosted by the Department for Communities in Northern Ireland on the introduction of a code of practice for gambling operators who hold a licence,...
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10 steps to setting up a fundraising appeal

This guidance is designed to highlight important points to consider before setting up a fundraising appeal to ensure your fundraising is legal and ethical, and has the best chance of success.
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