Six months on: An update on our market inquiry into subcontracting in face-to-face fundraising

By Jim Tebbett, Head of Proactive Regulation and Projects at the Fundraising Regulator

It is now six months since we published the findings of our market inquiry into subcontracting in face-to-face fundraising by charities and fundraising agencies. 

When we started the market inquiry, I wanted to make sure we listened to the sector so we could better understand how and why compliance issues with the Code of Fundraising Practice (the code) had arisen. The aim was to target support for fundraising organisations to ensure that face-to-face fundraising could remain safe and successful into the future. 

The market inquiry report outlined recommendations for fundraising charities and agencies to review processes and take action to reduce the risks of poor practice. It laid out next steps for the Fundraising Regulator, the Chartered Institute of Fundraising (CIoF) and the Charity Commission, to provide clarity and support in our respective remits.  

Where are we now, six months on?  

Firstly, we know that charities and agencies have stepped up to learn from and implement the recommendations from the report. We have had lots of conversations with these organisations, at events and webinars, meetings and over the phone. They have shown a consistent willingness to comply and do the right thing, albeit with some reasonable questions and concerns about how to do so in practice. We know some agencies have had to make bigger adjustments than others, and these are still in progress, but the willingness to make these steps has been positive. 

We know you have asked for further advice, and the CIoF are working on new and comprehensive guidance for charities and agencies, which will be published over the winter. The Charity Commission intend to review the Charity fundraising: a guide to trustee duties (CC20) guidance as part of their ongoing workplan.  

Although not directly related to the market inquiry, the learnings from the inquiry have informed the drafting of the new Code of Fundraising Practice. The new code, and accompanying code compliance guidance on due diligence and monitoring partnerships, complement and align with the principles expressed in the inquiry report. If you haven’t already, please take the chance to have your say on the new code in the Code consultation 2024, which is open until 1 November. 

Independently of the market inquiry, our casework team has continued to work hard to investigate examples of poor practice. The first of our related investigation summaries will be published soon. 

We understand that charities and agencies have had to reflect and, where necessary, change how they manage face-to-face campaigns, and we very much welcome the efforts you have made. We – through our Code Advice Service, and the work of the proactive regulation team – have been, and continue to be, here for charities and agencies who have questions about how to comply with the recommendations, so please do not hesitate to get in touch (