About us

The Fundraising Regulator is the independent regulator of charitable fundraising in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Our work ensures public protection, accountability, and excellence in fundr...
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Fundraising Regulator disclaimer

Our copyright and legal notice sets out the permissions and limitations for use of information on this website.
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Code of Fundraising Practice

The Code of Fundraising Practice sets the standards that apply to fundraising carried out by all charitable institutions and third party fundraisers in the UK. It replaces the previous code, rulebooks...
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Get involved

We are committed to engaging with the sector and the public on important fundraising and regulatory matters so that our decisions are well informed, and evidence based.
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We investigate complaints about charitable fundraising where the fundraising has caused harm or has the potential to cause harm. We do this by considering whether the fundraising is compliant with the...
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Fundraising Code

15. Legacies

This section sets out standards to avoid undue influence and pressure in relation to gifts in wills, and managing conflicts of interest while being sensitive to the wishes of the testator.
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Fundraising Code

14. Payroll giving and post-tax salary donations

This section includes the standards for promoting payroll and post-tax salary donation schemes in the workplace, including meeting HMRC requirements.
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Fundraising Code

13. Grant-making bodies (including trusts and foundations)

This section includes standards about applying for, receiving and using grants available to fund projects that meet charitable, philanthropic or benevolent purposes.
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Fundraising Code

12. Lotteries, prize competitions and free draws

This section sets out the responsibilities for running a lottery, prize competition or free draw for charitable purposes and underlines the need to follow any gambling regulations that may apply.
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Fundraising Code

11. Events

This section contains standards for fundraising events (including challenge events) in the UK or overseas, including obtaining permissions, safety and managing risks responsibly.
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Fundraising Code

10. Digital

This section includes standards for emails and messages to mobile devices, as well as online fundraising platforms, including telling donors about how you will use their data and any fees charged.
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Fundraising Code

9. Fundraising communications and advertisements

This section covers standards related to marketing your campaign, outlining the importance of appropriately communicating with your audience so that donors can make an informed decision.
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Fundraising Code

8. Collecting money or other property

This section covers collections of money or other property (including goods and regular gifts) for charitable institutions, whether carried out on the street, house-to-house or on private sites.
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Terms and conditions of registration for non charities

Our terms and conditions of registration for non charities.
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Terms and conditions of registration for charities

Our terms and conditions of registration for charities.
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Fundraising Regulator terms and conditions of registration

Our terms and conditions of registration for charities and non charities.
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Fundraising Code

7. Professional fundraisers, commercial participators and partners

This section includes what needs to be set out as part of fundraising agreements and what paid third-party fundraisers must say to donors when fundraising on behalf of a charitable institution.
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Fundraising Code

6. Fundraising involving children

This section includes standards on minimum age restrictions that apply when fundraising, and standards to protect children and their data.
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Fundraising Code

5. Volunteers

This section contains standards on working with volunteer fundraisers, where their activity is known to your organisation.
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Fundraising Code

4. Processing donations

This section includes standards about handling different forms of payment to make sure donations are secure. It also includes rules on Gift Aid.
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Fundraising Code

3. Processing personal data (information)

This section sets out the standards we expect when you process personal data, including standards related to direct marketing.
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Fundraising Code

1. Behaviour when fundraising

This section sets out how fundraising organisations and fundraisers must behave when fundraising, including treating people fairly and with respect.
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Fundraising Code

Using the code

The Code of Fundraising Practice sets the standards that apply to fundraising carried out by all charitable institutions and third party fundraisers in the UK.
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Fundraising Code

2. Responsibilities of charitable institutions and those who govern them

This section sets out the standards in relation to risk assessments, complaints-handling procedures and making sure charitable institutions use donations for the purposes for which they are given.
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