How to complete the code consultation

Instructions on how to complete the 2024 code consultation
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Code consultation 2024 - Appendix

Appendix for the 2024 code consultation
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Code consultation 2024

The Code of Fundraising Practice underpins the system of voluntary self-regulation which fundraisers commit to and provides a framework for assessing public complaints. We are inviting comments on the...
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Fundraising Regulator fee review for non-charities 2024 form

For the first time since it was founded, the Fundraising Regulator is to increase the yearly fee it asks non-charities (mainly commercial companies) to help pay to fund its work.
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Fundraising Regulator fee review for non-charities 2024

For the first time since it was founded, the Fundraising Regulator is to increase the yearly fee it asks non-charities (mainly commercial companies) to help pay to fund its work.
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Fundraising badge guidelines

It’s important that you use the fundraising badge in line with this guidance and the terms and conditions of registration.
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Upcoming changes to the levy and registration fee September 2024 and September 2025

For the first time in eight years the fundraising levy will be increased. This increase will take place over two years, beginning in September 2024. Find out more.
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Levy review: response

For the first time since we were founded, the Fundraising Regulator is to increase the yearly levy it asks charities to pay to fund its work. The increase will help us to continue providing the propor...
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Market inquiry report: subcontracting in face-to-face fundraising

The Fundraising Regulator has published the findings of its first market inquiry into the use of subcontracting in face-to-face fundraising by charities and fundraising agencies. This follows intellig...
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Proactive regulation

Our proactive regulatory function monitors and promotes sector compliance with the code and explores emerging and unexplored issues in charitable fundraising before they crystallise.
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Levy review 2023

For the first time since we were founded, the Fundraising Regulator is to increase the yearly levy it asks charities to pay to fund its work. The increase will help us to continue providing the propor...
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Examples: All fundraising

Examples of indicative rule changes to sections that fall within Standards: All fundraising
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Revising rules linked to legislation or where we are not the lead regulator

Revising rules linked to legislation or where we are not the lead regulator
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Examples of principles-based rules and incorporating or signposting legislation where Fundraising Regulator is not the lead regulator.
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Section 15

Code consultation questions regarding Section 15: Legacies
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Section 14

Code consultation questions regarding Section 14: Payroll giving and post-tax salary donations
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Section 13

Code consultation questions regarding Section 13: Grant-making bodies (including trusts and foundations)
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Section 12

Code consultation questions regarding Section 12: Lotteries, prize competitions and free draws
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Section 11

Code consultation questions regarding Section 11: Events
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Section 10

Code consultation questions regarding Section 10: Digital.
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Section 9

Code consultation questions regarding Section 9: Fundraising communications and advertisements
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Section 8

Code consultation questions regarding
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Section 6

Code consultation questions regarding Section 6: Fundraising involving children
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Key Themes

Questions regarding the key themes of the consultation
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