Our Board

Photos and information for all Fundraising Regulator board members.
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Small charities renewal: thank you

Thank you for renewing your registration with the Fundraising Regulator.
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Non charities renewal: thank you

Thank you for renewing your registration with the Fundraising Regulator. 
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Contact us: thank you

Thank you for getting in touch with us.
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Complaints: thank you

Thank you for completing our online complaints form.
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Complaints form

Use this form if you need to make a complaint about a fundraising organisation.
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Donations are a key source of income for charities. Annual research by the Charities Aid Foundation suggests around £10 billion is voluntarily gifted to charity each year in the UK.
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Board of Directors: Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference for the Fundraising Regulator's Board of Directors.
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Community Fundraising and Events

An event may form part of a national campaign by a charity or a one-off event. Either way, it can be an opportunity to raise money, increase awareness, reach new audiences and involve local communitie...
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Charity bag collections

Charity bags are a common way for charities to fundraise. The money raised from charity bags is an important source of income for many organisations, which helps them carry out their vital work. For s...
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Charity shops

The Charity Retail Association estimates that there are over 11,000 charity shops in the UK. There are many benefits of having charity shops. In addition to the financial benefit, they help to increas...
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Our staff

Introducing the Fundraising Regulator's Senior Management Team.
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Data protection

Many charities use individuals' personal data to better target their fundraising communications and maintain supporter records. The General Data Protection Regulation (enacted in the UK as the Data...
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Online giving

Many charitable fundraisers promote their cause through a webpage on an online giving platform. These pages can be a cost effective way to raise public awareness quickly and make a cause visible to a ...
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Street and private site fundraising

Street and private site fundraising allows charities to engage with supporters face-to-face in their local high street or shopping centre. Many of the donations received in this way are regular gifts,...
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Legacy Fundraising

Legacy fundraising is the practice of asking individuals to leave a gift to a charity in their Will. Legacies can be a sensitive issue for individuals and their families. So fundraisers need to ensure...
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Fundraising topics

Information, links and resources about a wide range of fundraising topics.
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The main duty of trustees is to advance the purposes of the charity and to always act in the charity’s best interest. Trustees need to ensure that the charity’s assets and resources are only used for ...
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Volunteers play an important part in fundraising and supporting charitable giving. They host community events, carry out street collections, raise funds online and take part in challenge events to sup...
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Lotteries and raffles

‘Lottery’ is a broad term and includes many types of event, such as raffles, tombolas and sweepstakes. As a rule, however, a lottery is a game where you pay to enter, there is at least one prize, and ...
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Door to door fundraising

Door-to-door collections allow charities to engage with supporters in their community at a time when they are at home. Many donations received in this way are regular gifts, so it also helps charities...
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Communications and advertising

Charities publicise their cause in many different ways, including TV, radio, print, posters, online display, leaflets/brochures and direct marketing. Whatever method is used, fundraisers must be sensi...
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