Grant makers and trusts

There are many sources of funding available for charities through grant makers, trusts and foundations. Most of these will grant funding according to specific criteria, for example specifying that a p...
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The Fundraising Regulator helps to protect the public from poor fundraising practices. We encourage fundraisers to comply with the standards in the Code of Fundraising Practice and investigate complai...
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Complain about us

We understand that there may be occasions when you may not be happy with the service you have received. If our service has failed to meet your expectations, we ask that you let us know. We will try to...
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Organisations that carry out charitable fundraising in England, Wales or Northern Ireland can apply to register with the Fundraising Regulator.
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Fundraising Regulator social media policy

Information about our social media accounts and how we manage them.
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Fundraising Regulator privacy policy

Our privacy policy sets out how we use personal data, what data is collected, where it is held and how to access information about this.
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Other organisations that can help

If your complaint is not about charitable fundraising in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, these other organisations may be able to help you.
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Subscribe to our newsletter

Our monthly newsletter contains information about our regulatory activity, which includes news, guidance, consultations, research, investigations and events.
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More from us

Find out more about the Fundraising Regulator including how you can get involved with our consultations and keep up to date with our latest news and blogs.
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Ethical fundraising, sustainable giving

The Fundraising Regulator sets and maintains the standards for fundraising across the UK.
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Cash collections

Bucket or cash collections allow charities to collect high volumes of smaller, one-off contributions and to raise awareness of their cause. For donors, bucket collections are a chance to engage wi...
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Update contact details

Update contact details summary
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Contact us

You can get in touch with the Fundraising Regulator by email, phone, writing to us or completing one of our online forms.
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Make a complaint

Find out if we are able to investigate your complaint about charitable fundraising.
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